Construction Date 1/4/2018 -1/12/2019
Category Ongoing Projects
Client Name Kuwait Energy Company
Project Location Block 9
Current Progress In Progress
Project Information General Civil works with Kuwait Energy Company (KEC) this project including provide following services


1 Excavation of the Earth Soil without secondary shifting for small ditch and pit; (by machine)
2 Excavation of the Earth Soil with secondary shifting for wide ditch and big pit; (by machine)
3 Manual excavation. (objects underground)
4 Borrowed Soil transportation within 20 km distance
5 Borrowed Soil transportation more than 20 km distance
6 Gravel and stones to supply (including gravel source, transportation to B9 oilfield)
7 Sand to supply (including sand source , transportation to B9 oilfield)
8 Earth/Gravel and sand backfilling and compaction (95%) (including watering, rolling)
9 Portland Cement: Type I  General purpose
10 Portland Cement: Type II  Moderate sulfate resistance
11 Portland Cement: Type III  High early strength
12 Portland Cement: Type IV  Low heat of hydration (slow reacting)
13 Asphalt Road
13.1 Tack coat (for asphalt road)
13.2 Asphalt pavement (6cm) (including asphalt concrete and compacting)
14 Concrete road (concrete 10cm)
15 Walkway road with road tile
16 Provide and install the HDPE impermeable membrane(1.0mmTHK)
17 Provide and lay the Sand layer of Flood Protection Dam. (see EXABIT-2)
18 Provide and lay the Gravel layer of Flood Protection Dam.(see EXABIT-2)
19 Provide and construct the Brick wall(H=1.0m,W=370mm)
20 Provide and construct the Brick wall(H=2.0m,W=370mm)
21 Provide and construct the Brick wall(H=2.5m,W=370mm)
22 Provide and construct the Brick wall with surface motar(H=1.0m,W=370mm)
23 Provide and construct the Brick wall with surface motar(H=2.0m,W=370mm)
24 Provide and construct the Brick wall with surface motar(H=2.5m,W=370mm)
25 Provide and construct the Brick wall with tiles on surface(H=2.0m,W=370mm)
26 Provide and construct the Brick wall with tiles on surface(H=2.5m,W=370mm)
27 C15 lean concrete work, include concrete supply, formwork and pouring,curing
28 C25 lean concrete work, include concrete supply, formwork and pouring,curing
29 C30 lean concrete work, include concrete supply, formwork and pouring,curing
30 A36 steel (for reinforced concrete work)
31 C25 reinforced concrete work, include concrete supply, rebar, formwork and pouring,curing
32 C30 reinforced concrete work, include concrete supply, rebar, formwork and pouring,curing
33 C40 reinforced concrete work, include concrete supply, rebar, formwork and pouring,curing
34 Provide and construct the C30 concrete T-Wall. see EXABIT-5
35 Wire link fence with barbed wire on top (H=2.5m), details see EXABIT-6
36 Link Fence Drive gate(w=6.3m), details see EXABIT-6